
LibreOffice Conf X UbuCon Asia 2023 in Indonesia recap

  • Youngbin Han


UbuCon Asia, which started as an online event in 2021, is now in its third year. This year’s event was held in Surakarta, Indonesia, and was a joint event with LibreOffice Conf Asia, making it a much bigger event than in previous years. I participated in the organizing committee for this year’s event as well as last year’s, but last year’s event was held in Seoul, so I was mainly part of the local team.

FOSSASIA Summit 2023에 다녀와서

  • 한영빈


싱가포르에서 열린 FOSSASIA Summit 2023! 최근 몇년간 코로나 19로 인해 온라인으로 열리다가 올해는 오래간만에 오프라인으로 행사가 개최되었습니다. 저는 작년 온라인 행사에서 오거나이저로 참여하여, 마케팅 팀과 비디오 팀에서 활동 했었는데요. 올해 FOSSASIA 행사에는 오거나이저로 참여하지는 못했습니다. 왜냐하면 올해 FOSSASIA 팀이 만들어질 때 저는 한국에서 열리는 UbuCon Asia 2022 행사 몇주 앞두고 정신 없을 정도로 바빠서 팀이 만들어 지고 있는것도 몰랐던거 같네요. 대신 올해는 FOSSASIA를 총괄 하시는 Hong Phuc 님으로부터 한국 커뮤니티 부스를 운영해 보는 것에 대해 제안을 받고, 처음으로 해외 커뮤니티 행사에서 부스를 차려서 운영을 해 보게 되었습니다.

Join us UbuCon Asia in-person in Seoul this November!

  • Youngbin Han


UbuCon Asia is an event by Ubuntu Communities in Asia that brings together hundreds of Ubuntu users, developers, contributors, enthusiasts and many other interested people. It is a place to share experiences and discussion around Ubuntu, as well as being a festival that Ubuntu and other open source communities can enjoy. Why join in-person? There will be exciting Talks and Workshops with a wide range of topics! From Cloud and Infrastructure, Desktop, Community, IoT to WSL topics and more!

Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Jammy Jellyfish Release Notes

  • Ubuntu Korean Translators


Jammy Jellyfish Release Notes Introduction These release notes for Ubuntu 22.04 LTS (Jammy Jellyfish) provide an overview of the release and document the known issues with Ubuntu and its flavours. Support lifespan Maintenance updates will be provided for 5 years until April 2027 for Ubuntu Desktop, Ubuntu Server, Ubuntu Cloud, and Ubuntu Core. All the remaining flavours will be supported for 3 years. Additional security support is available with ESM (Extended Security Maintenance).

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